New version 1.5.88
13/06/21 09:41
- Tasks in events can be displayed/edited over multiple lines ("Settings > Display and Use > Edit view > Advanced > Tasks in events > Multiline").
- Added a configuration option for the "Google Meet" row in the edit screen ("Settings > Display and Use > Edit view > Advanced > Allow creation of Google Meet links").
- Added a switch for the landscape day view to make weekends smaller and/or the current day larger.
- Added an optional small month view to the portrait week view ("Settings > Display and Use > Week view > Layout").
- Added a long press menu to the agenda view.
- Added a new sort order "Sort (priority reverse, due date)" for tasks in calendar views.
- Bug fixes and other improvements
New version 1.5.85
09/10/20 09:51
CalenGoo now supports the new iOS 14 widgets. There is a small widget that shows the current and next event. And there is a medium and large widget that shows an agenda view of your events similar to the old "Today Widget".

New version 1.5.81
09/02/20 10:27
This version fixes a few bugs regarding the dark mode, the Dutch translation and the new contacts API.